Bible Studies

In all of history no one has been more masterful in changing lives than Jesus Christ. But how best can we know Him?

This site is dedicated to providing resources that will assist in the study of His Word, the Bible. A study of the Bible will help answer any questions you may have. It is also our hope that the material provided in this site will give you clearer insight into who God really is, His will for your life, and encouragement to explore the Bible on your own or share the experience with others. The Bible—changing you from the inside out! Click here for online Bible.

Prayer Time. Hanging out with God.

Personal spiritual growth is very important to making any ministry a success. Your ministry will grow as  you grow. People will observe you and want to aspire to be closer to God because of the example you set by your lifestyle. 

A prayer journal is an exciting way to experience God in a new and fresh way. It is also a great way of tracking your requests and God’s answers to your prayers. There are different ways to create your prayer journal. There is the electronic prayer journal where you store request on a computer. Then there is the prayer blogging, where you invite others to join your prayer group and you create a blogring. And, of course, there is the tried and true, more traditional way, a book./journal. In any case, whatever you chosse to do, just do a prayer journal. It will prove to be one of the best decisions you ever make.


Consider this:

But Jacob stayed behind by himself, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he couldn’t get the best of Jacob as they wrestled, he deliberately threw Jacob’s hip out of joint.  

The man said, “Let me go; it’s daybreak.”

Jacob said, “I’m not letting you go ’til you bless me.”

The man said, “What’s your name?”

He answered, “Jacob.”

The man said, “But no longer. Your name is no longer Jacob. From now on it’s Israel (God-Wrestler); you’ve wrestled with God and you’ve come through.”

Jacob asked, “And what’s your name?”

The man said, “Why do you want to know my name?” And then, right then and there, he blessed him.

Jacob named the place Peniel (God’s Face) because, he said, “I saw God face-to-face and lived to tell the story!”

Genesis 32:24-30 (The Message)