Basic Requirements
1. Recite the Adventurer Pledge
2. Complete the Story Listening I award
3. Complete the Wooly Lamb award
My God
God’s Plan to Save Me
- Color a story chart or lap book about the following: The days of Creation
- Tell an adult one of the stories of Creation: Creating animals, creating people, creating the Sabbath
God’s Message to Me
1. Complete the My Friend Jesus award
2. Complete the Little Boy Jesus award
God’s Power in My Life
1. Have a regular family worship time in your home. Keep a record.
2. Ask a parent or guardian what their favorite day of creation is.
3. Complete the Bible Friends 1 award.
My Self
I Am Special
1. Complete the Finger Play award
I Can Make Wise Choices
1. Complete the Sharing award
I Can Care for My Body
1. Complete the Healthy Foods award
My Family
I Have a Family
1. Complete the My Family award.
Families Care for Each Other
1. Complete the Special Helper award
My Family Helps Me Care for Myself
1. Complete the Healthy Me award
My World
The World of Friends
1. Complete the Creation award.
The World of Other People
1. Complete the Community Helpers award.
The World of Nature
1. Complete at least two of the following Little Lamb level awards: Bodies of Water, Insects, Stars,
Weather 1, or Zoo Animals.
Other awards that may be earned by Little Lambs as time allows include:
•Alphabet 1
•Bible Friends 1
•Music 1
•Trains and Trucks
•Tricycles & Bicycles