“One hundred and sixty years ago, we were chosen for mission; 150 years ago, we started to engage in worldwide mission,” said David Trim, director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, at the beginning of his presentation to the church’s Executive Committee (EXCOM) on October 6, 2023. Trim’s remarks focused on the year-long 2024 commemoration of the 150 years of the Adventist Church’s worldwide mission. Trim added that the anniversary could help achieve the world church’s goal of “reviving the concept of worldwide mission and sacrifice for mission as a way of life involving not only pastors, but every church member, young and old,” he said, quoting the first stated objective of the I Will Go mission initiative. Young people have a place in the mission. They shall finish the work. Every young person should ask themselves how they can reignite their passion for mission creatively by commemorating this significant anniversary. For more information, click on the following




