Since its inception, the Seventh-day Adventist Youth Ministry Department has served the youth through three levels; namely, Adventurer Club for 4-9 years old; Pathfinder Club for 10-15 years old; and Senior Youth/ Young Adults for 16-30+ years old.
However, divisions noted that the young people who complete the Pathfinder requirements are left without a program that meets their needs. They do not want to leave the Pathfinder club, but at the same time they do not feel old enough to associate themselves with the Senior Youth/Young Adults. In the absence of an established program/level for this group several Divisions have been running their own programs, such as Companion in Europe, Medical Brigade in the Inter-America and South American Divisions, etc., to fill this vacuum.
At the 2001 World Youth Leadership Convention a very important action was taken, charging the General Conference Youth Department to develop materials for a New Level to meet the need of the youth, ages 16-21, in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Ambassador curriculum is the outcome of this action.
Please note that the Ambassador Club is not intended to replace the AYS, but instead, will strengthen the current Senior Youth/Young Adult Ministry of our Church. This new level will provide a structured and organized way for 16-21 years olds to become actively involved in their church, both locally and globally. Great appreciation goes to the entire curriculum development team, the writers, and the World Divisions that have contributed to the material in this curriculum.
Mission, Aim, and Motto
Mission Statement The Ambassador Group is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church dedicated to meeting the spiritual, social, and lifestyle needs of youth ages 16-20’s by challenging them to experiencing and sharing a personal relationship with Christ, developing a lifestyle fitting their belief system and vocational interest, and providing them with an adequate venue…
Read MoreObjectives
The following objectives will be achieved as club leaders explore and develop their programs based on the seven programming fundamentals. Help Senior Youth to realize that God and His church love them and appreciate the implementation of their talents for the fulfilling of their mutual gospel commission as established in Matt. 28: 18-20 and Acts…
Read MorePhilosophy
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed to understanding and training its youth for leadership and service to humanity. Considering its newness and the well entrenched clubs already existing, perhaps what it is not—should be mentioned first. It is not an extension of the Pathfinder Club or as some might envision—Maxi-Pathfinders. It does not follow the same programmatic…
Read MoreDownload Ambassador Resource Manuals
Ambassador Manuals Ambassador Module (Power Point) Ambassador Module (PDF) Presentations and Ambassador Module Videos FRENCH: Ambassadeurs Documents a Telecharger PORTUGUESE: MANUAIS DE EMBAIXADOR
Read MoreMembership
Any youth age 16 up through the mid-twenties who choose to live by the principles and guidelines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For definition purposes, the Youth Department defines Junior Youth Ministry as focusing on those under the age of 16 (another way of wording it would be ages 15 and under). Senior Youth are those…
Read MoreProgramming Fundamentals
The 7 Foundations of the Ambassador Programming are: Leadership development. Curricula such as the Master Guide, AY Leadership, Small Group Leadership and other age appropriate and well established schemes can be considered.Community outreach development through service and emergency preparedness training.A Christ-centered discipleship plan.A personal and small group based mission lifestyle.Lifestyle vocational/career development through specialized multi-vocational…
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