- To be considered for Pathfinder Club membership the applicant must be at least 10 years of age and no more than 15 years of age. Where two clubs exist; children aged 10 to 12 will join the junior club and those aged 13 to 15 will join the teen club. (In some areas school level is used as the guidelines).
- Application forms for membership available from the club director/secretary must be completed and returned to the club staff committee for consideration and induction as a club member.
- A Pathfinder Passport is available upon application to the club director/secretary. (Optional)
- All members must pay membership and insurance fees as required by the club executive committee.
- Each Pathfinder should have and regularly wear the complete Pathfinder dress uniform and a club field uniform where applicable.
- Pathfinders must come to meetings and club-sponsored events in the uniform as indicated by the club director.
- Members must be faithful in attendance. Many clubs establish limits on absences and tardies, and Pathfinders who do not comply with these regulations may be placed on probation or be asked to withdraw from club membership.
- Pathfinders must learn and keep the Pledge and Law.
- Club activities include crafts, outings, regular club meetings and Classwork, fund raising, camp-outs, outreach activities, honors, and other activities. The Pathfinder must agree before joining the club to participate and cooperate in these activities.
- The Pathfinder’s parents must be willing to cooperate with the regulations and activities of the club. At times they will be asked to supply money and time to support their child’s membership.
- All elected directors and regular staff are members of the club by virtue of their office.