Class Badge | Class Pin |
Advance Class Ribbon | Class Chevron |
- Be 11 years old and/or in grade 6 or its equivalent.
- Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club.
- Learn or review the meaning of the Pathfinder Pledge and illustrate its meaning in an interesting way.
- Read the book The Happy Path or similar book on the Pledge and Law if not previously read.
- Have a current Book Club Certificate and write at least a paragraph of review on one book of your choice.
- Know the composition and proper use of your National Flag.
Spiritual Discovery
- Memorize the New Testament books and know the four areas into which the books are grouped. Demonstrate your ability to find any given book.
- Hold a current memory gem certificate.
- Choose in consultation with your leader, one of the following areas:
- One of Christ’s Parables
- One of Christ’s Miracles
- Sermon on the Mount
- Second Advent Sermon
and show your knowledge of what Christ taught in one of the following ways:
- Read the gospels of Matthew and Mark in any translation. Commit to memory any two of the following:
Serving Others
- By consultation with your leader, work out ways to spend at least two hours in your community demonstrating in a consistent manner, real companionship to someone else.
- Spend at least a half day participating in a project that will benefit the community or your church.
- Participate in an outreach activity, and bring a non-SDA friend to participate or observe.
Friendship Development
- Discuss the principle and demonstrate the meaning of respect for people of different cultures and gender.
- Discuss and demonstrate respect for your parents/guardian and what they provide for you.
Health and Fitness
- Memorize and explain 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
- Discuss with your leader physical fitness and regular exercise as they relate to healthful living.
- Learn about the detrimental effects of smoking on health and fitness, and write your own pledge of commitment to abstaining from the use of tobacco.
- Complete the Advanced Beginner’s Swimming Honor.
- HIV/AIDS curriculum
- Attend a Five Day Plan, or view two films on health, or make a poster on smoking or drug abuse, or help prepare a display on tobacco for a show, etc.
Organization and Leadership Development
- Plan and lead a devotional service for your group.
- Help your Unit or Club plan a special activity such as a party, hike, or overnight campout.
- Participate in a special club event such as an Investiture, open house, induction, or Pathfinder Sabbath and then evaluate the event to determine how it can be improved.
Nature Study
- Participate in nature games OR participate in a one hour nature walk.
- Complete one of the following honors: Amphibians, Birds, Livestock, Poultry, Reptiles, Shells, Trees, or Shrubs.
- Review the study of creation, and keep a seven day outdoor log of your personal observations from nature in which each day focuses on those parts that were created on that day.
- Identify and describe twelve birds in the wild and twelve native trees.
Outdoor Life
- Find the eight general directions without the aid of a compass.
- Participate in a two night campout. Know at least 6 points relative to the selection of a campsite.
- Learn or review the Friend knots. Tie and know the practical use of the following knots: Sheet Bend, Sheepshank, Fisherman’s Knot, Timber Hitch, Taut Line Hitch. Learn 3 basic lashings.
- Pass a test in Companion first aid.
- Build five different fires and describe their uses. Discuss the safety rules in lighting fires, or hike 8 kms and keep a log.
- Cook a camp meal without utensils.
- Prepare a knot board with at least fifteen different knots.
Lifestyle Enrichment
- Complete one Honor in Arts and Crafts not previously earned.
- Complete one Honor in Household Arts, Health & Science, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries not previously earned.