Public Campus Ministry Day is designed to afford young adult SDA students and faculty on these campuses a chance to get together and focus on learning long-term strategies to grow their faith, stay connected with their local church, and share their faith with others. PCM Day is a global program celebrated at the local church level. It helps to instill and foster deep spiritual growth and effectiveness, as well as encourage sustainable long-term strategies, not short-term fixes.
In particular, PCM Day is designed to:
- Connect the Local Church with Adventist students and staff on Public Campuses.
- Increase visibility and function of the PCM Leader at the Local Church.
- Encourage Local Church Members to support students in their academic journey.
- Encourage Local Church Members to support staff on their professional journey.
- Encourage Students and Staff to “GO” using the method of Jesus.
- Inspire Adventist students and staff to increase their Commitment to Christ.