Club Ministries Training (CMT) is a curriculum framework that provides in-depth training for club staff in specific roles. The certifications are designed to be completed within one year and are meant to equip leaders of all varieties for the ministries in which they serve. They are not levels of Investiture Achievement such as Sunbeam, Friend, or Guide, but rather opportunities for individuals to learn more about being an effective director, instructor, counselor, etc. Certifications are earned by attending workshops, working with a mentor, doing fieldwork, and preparing a documentation Portfolio.
CMT is based on the Adventist Youth Ministry Training (AYMT) certifications, developed by the North American Division.
For Divisions that would like to recognize leaders that achieve these certifications, a pin with the achieved certification could be included in the official sash.
The participant is eligible to receive an enameled pin and certificate of completion.
1. CMT certifications are replacing the Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA) and Advanced Pathfinder Leadership Award (APLA)/Pathfinder Instructor Award (PIA).
2. Receiving a CMT pin is not considered investiture, but rather, awarding of a certificate. The highest investiture in Club Ministries continues to be Master Guide.
3. CMT certifications are connected to a club role or position, meaning that there is no point to achieve them all unless you are the only leader in a club. CMT certifications are intended for all members of a team.