Progressive Classes

Adventurer Curriculum

The Adventurer curriculum is divided into four levels.

  • The Little Lamb level is designed for Pre-kindergarteners.
  • The Early Bird level is designed for Kindergarteners.
  • The Busy Bee level is designed for first-graders.
  • The Sunbeam level for second-graders.
  • The Builder for third-graders
  • The Helping Hand level for fourth-graders.

Each level builds on the levels which came before it and is especially designed to interest, challenge, and provide successful experiences for children of that grade level.


BASICTo ensure that the children have the background necessary to receive maximum benefit from the Adventurer program.ResponsibilityCommitment to the common goals of the group
ReinforcementIntroduction and review of the Adventurer concepts through reading
MY GODTo facilitate the development of a growing and fruitful relationship between the child and Jesus Christ.His Plan to Save MeGod’s love, sin and forgiveness, conversion, obedience
His Message To MeMemory verses, Bible books, using and trusting the Bible
His Power In My LifePrayer, Bible Study, witness, living for Christ
MY SELFTo enhance the children’s care and appreciation for the individuals God created them to be.I Am SpecialUniqueness and value of each person, responsibility for service, talents
I Can Make Wise ChoicesFeelings, values, decision-making, media
I Can Care For My BodyHealth, fitness, anatomy, temperance, sexuality
MY FAMILYTo empower the children to be happy and productive members of the families God gave them.I Have a FamilyUniqueness of families, family changes, roles and responsibilities
Families Care For Each OtherAuthority and respect, appreciation, family activities
My Family Helps Me Care For MyselfSafety, stewardship, indoor skills, outdoor skills
MY WORLDTo enable the children to encounter God’s world with confidence and compassion.The World Of FriendsSocial skills, courtesy, prejudice, peer pressure
The World Of Other PeopleServing the church, community, country, world
The World Of NatureGod and nature, nature study, nature recreation, concern for the environment