Tumbling & Balancing Advanced

Level: 2


(Instructor Required)


  1. Have the Tumbling and Balancing Honor.
  2. Perform the following individual tumbling stunts with form and poise:
    1. Kip
    2. Cartwheel (both ways)
    3. Front handspring
    4. Back handspring
    5. Round off (must execute step in the approach)
  3. Perform any four of the following individual tumbling stunts with form and poise.
    1. Front somersault (sometimes called air spring or front flip)
    2. Headspring
    3. One handed handspring
    4. Aerial cartwheel
    5. Tinserca
    6. Front walkover
    7. Back walkover
    8. Aerial walkover
    9. Borani
    10. Neckspring
    11. Butterfly
  4. Perform any three of the following balances with form and poise:
    1. Press to handstand from headstand or frogstand
    2. One handed handstand; alternate for girls: Back walkover in headstand
    3. Pirouette
    4. Straight arm planche (two arm); alternate for girls: Control straddle down from handstand
    5. Bent arm planche (one arm); alternate for girls: Three-second handstand and controlled roll out
    6. Yogi handstand
    7. Straight arm-straight leg press to handstand; alternate for girls: straight leg press to handstand
  5. Perform any three of the following partner stunts and balances with form and poise: (Male should be base on stunts, with girl top person).
    1. Toe pitch (back flip)
    2. Low arm to arm
    3. High arm to arm
    4. Low hand to hand
    5. High hand to hand
    6. Front angel balance on hands
  6. Perform anyone of the following combination stunts with form and poise:
    1. Roundoff-back handspring-backward somersault
    2. Roundoff-two back handsprings
    3. Borani-back handspring
    4. Roundoff-backward somersault-back handspring
    5. Tinserca-front somersault
    6. Backward somersault-back handspring

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