Level: 2
(Instructor Required)
- Have the Tumbling and Balancing Honor.
- Perform the following individual tumbling stunts with form and poise:
- Kip
- Cartwheel (both ways)
- Front handspring
- Back handspring
- Round off (must execute step in the approach)
- Perform any four of the following individual tumbling stunts with form and poise.
- Front somersault (sometimes called air spring or front flip)
- Headspring
- One handed handspring
- Aerial cartwheel
- Tinserca
- Front walkover
- Back walkover
- Aerial walkover
- Borani
- Neckspring
- Butterfly
- Perform any three of the following balances with form and poise:
- Press to handstand from headstand or frogstand
- One handed handstand; alternate for girls: Back walkover in headstand
- Pirouette
- Straight arm planche (two arm); alternate for girls: Control straddle down from handstand
- Bent arm planche (one arm); alternate for girls: Three-second handstand and controlled roll out
- Yogi handstand
- Straight arm-straight leg press to handstand; alternate for girls: straight leg press to handstand
- Perform any three of the following partner stunts and balances with form and poise: (Male should be base on stunts, with girl top person).
- Toe pitch (back flip)
- Low arm to arm
- High arm to arm
- Low hand to hand
- High hand to hand
- Front angel balance on hands
- Perform anyone of the following combination stunts with form and poise:
- Roundoff-back handspring-backward somersault
- Roundoff-two back handsprings
- Borani-back handspring
- Roundoff-backward somersault-back handspring
- Tinserca-front somersault
- Backward somersault-back handspring
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