
Level: 1


  • Define recycling.
  • What does R.R.R. stand for? How can we do each “R” in our school/club, home, and community?
  • What is the Plastic Identification Recycling Code?
  • Who developed the first recycle logo or symbol?
  • As a group, discuss at least two Bible references where God commands us to take care of His earth.
  • What are the reasons you should recycle?
  • Define the following recycling categories: aluminum, plastics (PETE/PET, HDPE, V/PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, Other #7), Bi-metal, glass and steel. Identify everyday products that belong in each category. What recycling methods are available in your community to handle each type?
  • What are un-coded plastics? Are they able to be recycled?
  • Name 7 states and 7 foreign countries which currently run buy-back recycling programs.
  • Find and read three current articles in magazines, newspapers or on the world wide web that discuss some aspect of recycling.
  • Draw, sketch, photograph or download the official recycling symbol(s) for your state/country.
  • If applicable name eight CONTAINERS that are recyclable for cash in your state or country’s beverage container recycling program.
  • Individually or as a group, design and create a recycling poster for your club, church or school.
  • Individually or with a group, make one of the following crafts from recycled materials.
    • Bird feeding station
    • Hummingbird feeding station
    • Lighthouse in a bottle
    • Ocean in a bottle
  • Do the following:
    • Spend eight hours collecting and processing recyclable items in your area.
    • Show your ability to correctly sort recyclable items.
    • Work with your club to hold a recycling program for a minimum of three months using the proceeds as a fundraiser for your club.
    • At the end of the three months evaluate your program. Give a report [oral or written] about what you learned, how much you earned, and how you/your club spent it.

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