Level: 2
- Show articles you have made using any 10 of the following:
- Outline
- Lazy daisy
- Chain
- Cross-stitch
- Eyelet or cut work
- Embroidery
- Satin
- Whipping
- Heavy chain
- French knot
- Blanket
- Feather
- Stem
- Back
- Buttonhole
- Fishbone
- Long and short
- Split
- Braid
- Do two of the following:
- Embroider one of the following: dresser scarf, pair of pillowcases, luncheon cloth, or other equivalent article.
- Make a pillow cover or wall hanging, a set of four sachet pillows, or three tree ornaments, out of any of the following methods:
- Punch embroidery
- Candle wicking
- Crewel
- Make a pillow cover, wall hanging, cover for chair, etc. in needlepoint.
- Make an article using any of the following methods:
- Applique
- Fagoting
- Smocking
- Shirring
- Swedish weaving
- Show the correct way of gathering lace and whipping it to hemmed edge.
- Describe a satisfactory method of keeping your fancywork equipment in good condition.
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