Level: 2
- Name ten families of fishes.
- Identify from pictures or personal observation ten tropical fishes.
- Explain their breeding habits.
- Give the habitat or country in which they are found.
- Name and identify ten fishes native to your own country. Explain their feeding and breeding habits.
- Define the following parts of a fish:
- Dorsal fin
- Pectoral fin
- Pelvic fin
- Anal fin
- Caudal fin
- Lateral line
- Operculum
- Barbels
- Swim bladder
- Gills
- State briefly the proper care and feeding of fishes of:
- Tropical zone
- Temperate zone
- Fill at least a five‑gallon aquarium, well balanced with plants and fishes, either tropical or native, and maintain the same for at least six months.
- Note the effect on the fishes and aquarium in general:
- Too much light
- Too little light
- Overfeeding
- Drop in temperature of water
- Too few plants and too many fishes
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