Level: 2
- What is engineering?
- Define the following four branches of engineering.
- Chemical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Civil engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Identify and define at least 15 additional disciplines of engineering.
- Aerospace engineering
- Optical engineering
- Computer engineering
- Material engineering
- Process engineering
- Environmental engineering
- Structural engineering
- Power engineering
- Acoustical engineering
- Transport engineering
- Nuclear engineering
- Industrial engineering
- Biological engineering
- Textile engineering
- Energy engineering
- Explain the general responsibilities of an engineer.
- Discuss what type education is required for a career in engineering.
- How has the discipline of engineering contributed to society?
- On your own or with a group, develop a chart board that outlines a brief history of a famous engineer, highlighting their contributions to society. Prepare and give an oral presentation on your findings.
- Read Genesis 6. Discuss the biblical context of this chapter drawing comparisons to the field of engineering.
- Identify four specific biblical engineering marvels that illustrate the art and importance of engineering.
- Define the following terms as it relates to the engineering discipline.
- CAD (Computer Aided Design)
- Simulation
- Rendering
- Steady state
- Constraint.
- What is reverse engineering?
- Give a real world example where reverse engineering is useful.
- On your own or with a group, complete one of the following engineering projects OR a project at your skill level,
- Build a paper plane trimming and making adjustments for better flight.
- Build a compass using a box, a nail and a magnet.
- Build a miniature dam using popsicle sticks and rocks
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