Level: 2
- What considerations are made when selecting a calf?
- Know 25 parts of a dairy cow.
- Know the care, management, and feeding of dairy cows during their following stages:
- Calves
- Weaning to six months
- Six months to fifteen months
- Fifteen months to springers
- The dry cow
- Know the proper feeding techniques for a lactating cow.
- Know how milk is produced in the cow.
- Know the steps in milking a cow either by hand or machine.
- Know eight parts of a milking machine.
- What is mastitis? What steps can be taken to prevent mastitis?
- Know five herd health problems, their symptoms, and how to prevent and/or treat them.
- Know the meaning of the following terms:
- Concentrates
- Crude protein
- Cull
- Dry period
- Lactating
- Lactation cycle or period
- Oxytocin
- Explain the pasteurization of milk and the proper care of dairy utensils and appliances.
- Assist with the care and milking of a dairy herd of cows for at least three months.
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