Level: 1
- What is the scientific name of the cat family?
- How is the structure of the paw similar in all cats?
- How are the eyes of all cats alike?
- What is the main food of the cat family? How are the cat’s teeth fitted for this?
- Of what use are the cat’s whiskers?
- How are the cat’s ears protected?
- Identify from pictures or personal observation four kinds of domesticated cats. Describe each one’s temperament.
- Of what benefit to man are domesticated cats?
- Identify from pictures or personal observation seven kinds of wild cats. Tell in what part of the world they are found.
- What animal is known as the king of beasts? Why does it have that title? What is its temperament really like?
- Tell the story of Androcles and the lion.
- Relate four stories in the Bible in which a member of the cat family is mentioned.
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