Level: 2
- Be at least in the 7th grade or 12 years old.
- Work for three hours on a wilderness beautification project, such as making or clearing a trail.
- Review six points in the selection of a good campsite. Review the safety rules of fire building.
- Go on a weekend campout.
- Lay the following three fires and tell their uses:
- Star fire
- Hunter’s fire
- Reflector fire
- 6. Know six ways to start a fire without a match. Build a campfire using one of the following:
- Flint
- Friction
- Spark
- Curved glass
- Metal match
- Compressed air
- Know how to properly sharpen a hatchet and knife.
- Cook a one-pot meal using fresh or dried food.
- Describe the various types of tents and their uses.
- How does condensation occur in a tent, and how can it be prevented?
- Demonstrate your ability to anchor a tent down, using the taut-line hitch and two half hitches.
- While camping, plan and give a ten-minute devotional or organize and lead a nature Bible game or lead out in Sabbath School or camp church or vespers.
- Properly locate and build one of the following and describe its importance to the individual and the environment:
- Latrine
- Shower
- Camp sink and dish washing area
- Demonstrate four basic lashings and construct a simple object using these lashings.
- Know how to replace the mantels on a camp lantern. Demonstrate how to refill gas in a camp lantern and stove. Know how to maintain the pressure pump on a camp stove in good working order.
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