Level: 2
- List equipment necessary for cake decorating.
- Learn from memory the two cake icings–butter cream and royal–and their proper uses. Name one other icing used for frosting.
- Learn and demonstrate proper construction of the decorating tube using parchment and wax paper. Show proper method of inserting tip, brushing with color, filling with icing, and folding of top. What is the name of the top fold?
- Name three essential steps to good cake decorating.
- Demonstrate pressure control and name proper tip used on: star drop, rosette, shell border, “S” design, fleur-de-lis, ribbon, leaves, and zig zag border.
- Name four color techniques. Demonstrate two, including two-color icing.
- Be able to make four different flowers such as: sweet pea, half rose, half carnation, daisy, and one being the full rose.
- Demonstrate writing technique using two different tips and methods.
- Make a doll cake or a cake prepared in a speciality cake pan using the star fill-in method.
- Make a special-occasion cake of your choice using two or more borders of different types and a floral arrangement.
- Make a heart cake using borders, flowers, string work, and writing.
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