- 1. Describe what an artist does.
- 2. Name the primary colors.
- Mix these colors to make three new colors.
- Use these six colors to make a picture.
- 3. Demonstrate how to sharpen pencils and clean brushes.
- Sharpen two pencils.
- Using water, clean your brush.
- 4. Make separate designs using at least two of the following:
- Finger paints
- Colored pencils, crayons, or chalk
- Felt markers
- Pen, pencil, or charcoal
- 5. Learn an art technique and demonstrate two of the following:
- Potato prints on batik
- Stencil
- Paper-Mache
- Bread dough art or clay model
- Relief map or scale model
- 6. Make two of the following:
- An invitation
- A bookmark
- A greeting card
- A poster
- An artist is one who professes and practices a creative art. Discuss with the children what type of artist they are. Do they sing, play an instrument, draw, play act, do crafts well, etc.? In different ways, we are all artists.
- Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors. Mix red and yellow to make orange; mix yellow and blue to make green; mix blue and red to obtain violet.
- Teach how to sharpen pencils. Stress cleaning brushes thoroughly. Stress safety in handling pencils and brushes.
- Wear protective covering or old clothes when working with finger paints or felt markers. Encourage creativity.
- Encourage creative designs. Teach children to clean up after their project is completed. Craft books or your local library will have helpful resources.
- The invitation or poster may be introduced at an Adventurer meeting or church program, etc. Make a card, bookmark, or other item that may be given as a gift to an older person or shut-in (one who is confined to home).