Daily Morning Watch

Daily Devotional

Complaints Lead to Complaints

Numbers 11
May 21, 2022
Day 141
The Israelites had only traveled three days when they began whining. Worse, their complaints led Moses to complain, too! He blamed God for making him take care of all these complaining people, and even asked for death! You’d think God would be angry, but His response shows us that He knew Moses was simply overworked and overtired. What solution did God give Moses? How do you see this principle of sharing the burdens in action in your church and community?

Silver Trumpets and an Exciting Day

Numbers 10
May 20, 2022
Day 140
Two silver trumpets, to blow assemblies and alarms, would be very special. Most calls were sounded on rams’ horns. If you want to know what this sounds like, you may be able to find it online. Then, at last, after nearly two years at Sinai, the people were ready to roll up their new tabernacle and move on. Carefully, in the order they were given by God, they did their duties and moved out. What a change from the rabble that fled from Egypt! How do you imagine it felt?

Trust and Obey

Numbers 9
May 19, 2022
Day 139
Here is the story of the first Passover remembrance festival. We can see by the dates that this is the month after the tabernacle was completed and set up. We can also see that the census was conducted on that same first day of Passover (while the men were lining up to be counted, the women were cooking!) Notice that the Passover rituals have built-in rules to share with the poor and with resident aliens. How can we make that true in our church and community life?

Dedicating Levites

Numbers 8
May 18, 2022
Day 138
Have you ever been at an ordination where someone was set aside to work for God as a pastor or deacon? That is something like the scene here. The whole tribe of Levi had already been chosen by God—people did not choose them and could not agree or disagree with their call—but now they had a “cleansing” service, in which literally all the people literally presented them as an offering to the Lord (see v. 11). Note at the end that they worked from 25 to 50.

First Offerings

Numbers 7
May 17, 2022
Day 137
We’ve moved slightly back in time, and are going to see the full story of what happened when the tabernacle was first complete and set up. This chapter can be slow reading, but isn’t it interesting to imagine the heads of families eagerly bringing their offerings for the first time to the brand-new tabernacle? In verse 89, how does God show His pleasure?


Numbers 6
May 16, 2022
Day 136
The first part of this chapter is about people who want to make a special, temporary vow, dedicating themselves to the Lord in a special way. It is important that even at that time and place, where women were given little power and often thought of as much less important or valued than men, they could make these vows, too. The chapter ends with one of the most beautiful blessings in the Bible. Memorize it and use it and see what happens in your heart.


Numbers 5
May 15, 2022
Day 135
The people at this time had no concept of germs or the way disease spreads, so God told them to separate sick people. In other places He gives more detail about how to bring them back when they are well. He also teaches the people about making restitution to one they have wronged. If we can, we are to make restitution directly to the one we have wronged, but if not, then to God.

Laying out Duties

Numbers 4
May 14, 2022
Day 134
Again, we are reminded that God loves order. Moses lays out the specific duties for each family clan within the tribe of Levi. It is so much easier and more enjoyable to do work when we know just what we are to do and how and when to do it. What are some things you are responsible for? Are there ways you could organize them more efficiently and make your work more enjoyable?

The Levites are God’s

Numbers 3
May 13, 2022
Day 133
This is an interesting chapter! Of course, all human beings belong to God, but here He stated that the firstborn are especially His, but that the Levites, as servants of the tabernacle and its services, were especially dedicated to Him in place of the firstborn. Since there were 273 more firstborn than Levites, God asked ransom money, which would go toward the tabernacle and the needs of the Levites. This must have been especially meaningful since it came immediately after their first Passover celebration after the real Passover in Egypt. Are you a firstborn? How does this make you feel?
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