Daily Morning Watch

Daily Devotional

A Kingdom United

2 Samuel 3
October 10, 2022
Day 284
Abner had fought against having David as king for a long time. But when he was treated unjustly by the ones he fought for, he vowed to turn to David and help to unite his kingdom. He ended up giving his life to make this happen, and David, still as tenderhearted in some ways as when he was young, mourned for his loss. It helped him with the Israelites, and they all began to realize what a blessing David would be as king, in place of never knowing what Saul would do from one day to the next.

David’s Reign Begins

2 Samuel 2
October 9, 2022
Day 283
Now at last, David is king. He and all his followers come to live in the cities of Hebron, and he is officially anointed. But of course, it’s not that easy. One of Saul’s generals anoints a different king, and some of the people follow him instead. Eventually, it leads to civil war, and yet more death and bloodshed. King David must have sometimes longed for the simple days of his boyhood as a shepherd.

David’s Grief

2 Samuel 1
October 8, 2022
Day 282
The second book of Samuel begins a new story—the story of Israel’s second king. David had just rested with his family after rescuing them from the Amalekites when one came to him from the battle he had been sent away from. When he learned that Saul and his sons were dead, David was distraught. Do you think he might have wondered if he could have saved them if he’d been there? Despite all the trouble Saul had given David, he still mourned deeply, not only for the Lord’s anointed, but even more for his beloved friend, Jonathan. He wrote one of his most beautiful songs in honor of them. You could try setting it to music, if you like.

The Tragedy of Saul Comes to an End

1 Samuel 31
October 7, 2022
Day 281
After years and years of unstable rule, and of chasing and trying to destroy the man God had chosen to take his place, Saul finally died in battle—the very battle that David was supposed to join but didn’t. All three of his sons, plus his armor bearer, died with him. Heaven must have mourned for the ending of the man whose life had begun with such promise. When someone dies, those who remain always mourn, but it’s worse when we have had a painful relationship with them, and worst of all if it seems they died without God. Try to imagine the mixed-up feelings of the brave men who came to claim and bury the bodies of Saul and his sons. How do you think David will react?

David Rescues His Family

1 Samuel 30
October 6, 2022
Day 280
When they got back to Ziklag, it turned out the Amalekites had burned the city and stolen all their families! Everyone was distraught, and so was David, but what did he do about it? Even now, David doesn’t rush off to do what seems right; he asks God first. Then he and his men pursue and rescue all their families. David also shows, once again, the mercy that he will is becoming famous for, by not only sharing the spoils with those who had been too exhausted to go the whole way but making it law in Israel that those who go to battle share equally with those who take care of the home front.

1 Samuel 29:9

1 Samuel 29
October 5, 2022
Day 279
David had become “bodyguard for life” to King Achish. He was even willing to go with him to battle against his own people, though we don’t know what he actually would have done besides protect the king. The rest of the Philistines didn’t trust him to fight the Israelites, so the king sent him back. Notice the words he uses to David. Like Joseph, David had been a light for God in the enemy territory. Achish, too, could have turned to the true God. But he didn’t, at least not that we know of. Perhaps God saved David from raising his sword against his own people. We do know he arrived home to a disaster—tune in tomorrow!

David Leaves the Country

1 Samuel 27
October 3, 2022
Day 277
Weary of constant running and hiding, David left Israel and lived among the Philistines for nearly a year and a half. During this time, he and his men raided many of the people his Israelite ancestors had neglected to conquer. The Philistine king, Achish, thought that David would now be hated by his own countrymen and would be faithful to the Philistines instead. He didn’t recognize that David answered to a higher authority.

David Spares Saul Again

1 Samuel 26
October 2, 2022
Day 276
Once again, David finds Saul, this time not in a vulnerable position where he would be easy to assail. He is asleep in the center of his armed camp, yet “a deep sleep from the Lord” holds all the soldiers and the king while David and one aide creep into camp. The aide thinks David should kill the king, ending his fugitive life, but David knows it would end something far more important—his integrity. He takes Saul’s spear and water jug, and again pleads with the king to understand that he wants to be friends. Again, Saul seems to repent. If you were David, would you trust him?

Abigail’s Wisdom

1 Samuel 25
October 1, 2022
Day 275
David always protected the innocent, and he and his men had watched over rich, Nabal’s shepherds and servants. Yet now, when David politely seeks some supplies, Nabol (whose name means Fool) responds with rude arrogance. David’s failing is a quick temper, and he is about to take vengeance, but Nabol’s wife, Abigail, moves quickly and wisely. She points out that if he responds by shedding blood he’ll only regret it. David here shows the biggest difference between him and Saul, and the reason he is called “a man after God’s own heart.” He may make mistakes, but he quickly repents when he is shown his wrong.
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