Acts 21:13, 14
Acts 21November 17, 2024
Day 322For Paul, Jerusalem is both the center of his entire religious life, upbringing, and education, and the center of the persecution he uses to help lead. He is determined to go back, even though it seems that many believe the Holy Spirit does not want him to. Did you ever consider before that his life may be even more unsafe in Jerusalem than other disciples’ because the haters he used to work with consider that he betrayed them? They are furious that he teaches the way of grace, and he even goes through some Jewish purification rituals to show that he does not disrespect the law of God.
What Matters Most
Acts 20November 16, 2024
Day 321Paul and his companions continue to face opposition, persecution, and heavy trials, but they don't give up. Did you notice who did the encouraging in verse 1? You would think the man who just went through a riot would be the one needing encouragement! Not Paul. He did get discouraged sometimes, the same as any of us, but his faith in Christ always carried him. He calmly raises a young man from the dead in this chapter, then gives a heart-warming farewell speech to people he knows he might not see again. What does he say matters most to him? How can you tell he means it?
From Lectures to Riots
Acts 19November 15, 2024
Day 320Paul didn't stop going to synagogue on Sabbath, and he didn't stop trying to tell Jesus' story, but he also went to a public, secular lecture hall and gave lectures there for the secular or pagan people (verse 8- 9). God's power showed, and trouble followed. We've seen religion, politics, power, and racial tension try to get in the way of the gospel. It was inevitable that money would, too. The cause of the Ephesus riot wasn't the threat to the “goddess,” it was the threat to the idol- makers' pockets! How did God prevail this time?
Another Turning Point
Acts 18November 14, 2024
Day 319Up till now, Paul has spoken to all kinds of people, but he has been faithful to Jesus' original instruction to go “to the Jews first.” It has become clear that (probably due in part to his high level of education) he has a gift for reaching not only Gentiles, but also secular people, even leaders and government officials. He gets tired, in verse 6, of the constant opposition from Jews (who think just as he used to, by the way) and says, “From now on, I'm going to the Gentiles.” This must have been quite a switch for a Pharisee. Have you ever had a turnaround like this in your life?
Further Travels
Acts 16November 12, 2024
Day 317This is a packed chapter. There is an interesting thread about women and what they can do to hurt or help the cause of Christ. In Paul's past life as a Pharisee, it would never have occurred to him to meet with praying women and discuss the gospel with them, let alone go to stay at the home of one of them! Lydia is an early church leader, and even has a church at her house. Then there is the girl who is enslaved not just by her human owners, but by the devil. Does she help or hurt God's cause? We don't know what happened to her after this story, but we can hope she, too, became a believer and devoted herself to the true God.
The Jerusalem Council
Acts 15November 11, 2024
Day 316This is one of the most important chapters in the early church. Here is a lesson for all of us in what to do when disagreement arises. First, we gather. Next, we listen. This means listen. Let each side have their say in a respectful manner. Then, we might have to compromise. What things can you think of that each side had to give up to come to the agreement this chapter shows? Which things would you call most essential for Christianity? Are their choices partially cultural, and might other groups in different places have made different choices?
From One Extreme to Another
Acts 14November 10, 2024
Day 315Well, if you're not being persecuted, it's nice to be admired, but these people took it rather far! Imagine Paul and Silas, moving from place to place as they're hounded out of one town after another, still faithfully preaching...and now, suddenly hailed as gods! It would be funny if it weren't so serious. You don't see them tearing their clothes for persecutions, but this truly grieves them. Why do you think that's so?
Paul’s Sermon
Acts 13November 9, 2024
Day 314Wherever the early apostles went, they went to God's house on Sabbath. Sometimes somebody recognized them, and when that happened they might be asked to speak. They were always ready for this.
Make an outline for yourself of what this sermon contained: the inclusive greeting, the story of God's past dealings, and so on. What would you say if you visited a church and someone asked you to stand up and share?
Acts 11November 7, 2024
Day 312Then as now, the church wasn't completely ready to accept this concept of one God for one united human race. The leaders of the church at Jerusalem actually called Peter to account for his actions. So, he told them the story. There are two important lessons here: good, converted, earnest people can be wrong about something, and good, converted people listen, learn, and change their minds. What were Peter's teaching points? How can they help you when trying to do your part to end prejudice?
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