Daily Morning Watch

Daily Devotional

The Blessing of Children

Mark 10
September 6, 2024
Day 250
Each gospel contains a turning point after which Jesus' focus is toward Jerusalem. This is Mark's turning point chapter. We have the Pharisees arguing with Him and testing Him, the rich young ruler turning away from Him, and His sufferings foretold. But in the middle is a little gem of a story. We think of it as Jesus blessing the children, and so it is, but I have titled it the way I have because I believe the children, in their innocence and love, were a blessing to Jesus at this time, too. How can you bless Jesus' heart this week?

Help My Unbelief

Mark 9
September 5, 2024
Day 249
Just down from a high and holy mountaintop experience with God, Jesus and His three closest followers are confronted with a crisis. The father's prayers have not yet been answered, even by Jesus' followers, who have successfully cast out demons before, so we can understand his doubts and fears. He does exactly the right thing with them—gives them straight to Jesus. Have you handed your doubts and fears over to Him?

Whom Do You Say Jesus Is?

Mark 8
September 4, 2024
Day 248
It must have been so frustrating to feed thousands of people with a one-person lunch and then have the Pharisees demanding a sign! What did they call what they'd just seen? On top of that, the disciples misunderstand, too. Jesus brings it all down to the bottom line—Whom do we say He is? A speaker once said, “Jesus is to you exactly who you think He is. If you don't believe, that doesn't change His identity, but it keeps you from His blessing.” So...whom do you think He is?

What Defiles?

Mark 7
September 3, 2024
Day 247
In order to understand this passage, we must understand Jewish ritual law. One rule is to pour water three times over the left hand, holding the pitcher in the right hand, then do the same with the opposite hands, all while saying the correct blessings! Meanwhile, as long as one did all the rituals perfectly, it didn't matter whether one was loving or not. Why do you think Jesus had a problem with this? What is it that truly has power to defile us?

Busy Times Require Breaks

Mark 6
September 2, 2024
Day 246
A lot happens in this chapter. Most of it is miraculous; one story is horrible. But God's presence is seen throughout, even in John's faithfulness to death. There is an important lesson in the middle. When the disciples come back from their journeys to tell Jesus all their stories, He says, “Come and rest.” Today, we often forget that God wants us to take good care of ourselves in order to continue to work for Him. Even Sabbath is a busy day for many in His fields. How can we get enough time off without shirking our work?


Mark 5
September 1, 2024
Day 245
Most scholars agree that there must have been two demon-possessed men, but one made a bigger impression. This is a much more detailed story than most demon exorcisms. Perhaps the two most meaningful moments are when Jesus understands the man’s silent cry for help even when all he can say out loud is “Get away,” and the job Jesus gives him right away. Later traditions say that after Jesus went back to heaven, when disciples began to spread the gospel in this area, there were many believers already, because of this man’s stories. Won’t it be interesting to meet him in heaven?

Sowers and Seeds

Mark 4
August 31, 2024
Day 244
Again we have the parable of the sower and soil, but here is an interesting enlargement. Reread 26-29. Have you ever grown a plant? Do you know how it does what it does? It’s an everyday miracle, isn’t it? So, Jesus says, it is with God’s kingdom—it sneaks into our heart when we accept it, and it puts down roots and starts growing and turning green, and we produce fruit we know we could never have produced by ourselves! We don’t really know how—we just know the Spirit is at work.

Which Spirit?

Mark 3
August 30, 2024
Day 243
This chapter teaches about the unforgivable sin—calling the Holy Spirit an unclean spirit. Why do you think that’s unforgivable? Is it any worse to blaspheme against one Member of the Godhead than another? What makes forgiveness possible? Doesn’t it come from God’s love, and doesn’t that love come from the Holy Spirit within? We will learn later, in John 16, that it’s the Spirit who teaches about righteousness, sin, and judgment. So if you refuse the Spirit entrance…then how can you find forgiveness?

Early Lessons

Mark 2
August 29, 2024
Day 242
You will recognize these stories from Matthew. The gospel writers had many of the same memories, and they also borrowed from each other. But each had a little different point of view (which is why God wanted all of them). Compare verse 27 with Matt. 12:8. What added detail does Mark share, and why is it important to you?
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