Level: 3
- Have the Trees Honor.
- Collect, identify, press, and mount leaves of 35 different species of trees.
- Separately collect, press, mount, and label specimens that demonstrate the following terms: serrate, doubly serrate, entire, crenate, dentate, lobed, incised, whorled, opposite, alternate, pinnately compound, and (if possible) triple compound.
- Do the following:
- Describe the advantages in using the Latin or scientific names.
- Of what use are the two parts of a scientific name?
- Name six families of trees in the angiosperm class, and three families in the gymnosperm class.
- Know and describe the function of leaves in the life of a tree.
- Name the families of trees and shrubs in your area which have opposite leaves.
- Define the following terms: stipule, petiole, blade, pitch, heartwood, sapwood, springwood, summerwood, annual ring, cambium, xylem, and phloem.
- What families of trees have thorns, catkins, winged seeds, acorns, pods, capsules, nuts, berries?
- Identify ten deciduous trees by their “winter” characteristics, (features other than leaves) such as twig and bud, bark, characteristic form and growth habits.
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