
Level: 3


  1. Identify the following materials:
    1. Wool
    2. Worsted
    3. Cotton
    4. Linen
    5. Silk
    6. Artificial silk
  2. Identify three of the following weaves:
    1. Basket weave
    2. Plain
    3. Rib
    4. Herringbone
    5. Twill
    6. Pile
  3. How are the following used:
    1. Interlining
    2. Tailor tacks
    3. Tailor canvas
    4. Other interfacing
  4. Tell the points you should observe when making a garment fit properly and look tailored.
  5. Be familiar with the following pressing equipment:
    1. Sleeve board
    2. Press mit
    3. Seam roll
    4. Taylor’s ham
    5. Taylor’s board
    6. Needle board
  6. Be able to make bound and tailored buttonholes and loop buttonholes.
  7. Make a slit pocket with a welt, or a bound pocket.
  8. Demonstrate your skills in tailoring by measuring, cutting out, and properly making a man’s or woman’s suit that fits properly.

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