Level: 3
- Have the Shell Honor.
- Define the term “mollusca” or “mollusk.”
- Learn the classification terms of mollusks, know the distinguishing characteristics of each, and become acquainted with several species under each class.
- Distinguish between univalve and bivalve mollusks from the following considerations:
- The shell
- The mollusk body
- Reproduction
- Movements
- Securing food
- Self‑preservation
- Identify from shells or drawings and know the following glossary of conchological terms:
- Valve
- Apex
- Aperture
- Byssus
- Foot
- Mantle
- Operculum
- Mother of pearl
- Epidermis
- Ribs
- Teeth
- Canal
- Spines
- Whorls
- Lips
- Concentric lines
- Explain the development of a shell. How long do mollusks live?
- Give some facts about the life of a strombus pugilis (fighting conch), and explain why this shell is so named.
- Identify and explain the activities of the shipworm.
- What accounts for the distribution of mollusks?
- Name two mollusks that have no shells.
- Find answers to the following interesting questions:
- How are bivalve and univalve animals fastened to their shells?
- How is shell color controlled?
- What mollusk has four gills?
- From what sea animal was India ink formerly made?
- What mollusk spins a silken thread?
- What shells were used for money by ancient tribes?
- What shell is considered sacred by the Tibetans?
- Purple dye of ancient times came from the secretion of what mollusk?
- What is the source of pearls? How are they formed?
- Name six commercial uses for shells.
- Do one of the following:
- Personally find and collect 40 species of shells representing the five classifications. List each shell as to place and date found, common name, scientific name, and class.
- Make a collection of 50 species of shells you have found, received or purchased, representing the five classifications. List each shell collected as follows: if personally found, give information called for under (a) above; if received or purchased, give name of person from whom shell was received, habitat of shell, date of acquisition, common name, scientific name, and class.
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