Forestry Advanced

Level: 3


  • Prerequisites: AY Tree Honor; Forestry Honor.
  • Define the following terms:
    • basal area
    • bole
    • DBH (diameter)
    • Seed tree cut
    • selective cutting
    • shelterwood cut
    • silviculture
    • canopy
    • crown
    • pulpwood
    • succession
    • thinning
    • rotation
    • sawtimber
    • climax forest
    • habitat
  • Study five tree species important to forestry in your area and give the following information about each:
    • common and scientific name
    • range of tree
    • height and diameter of tree at maturity
    • economic importance of tree
    • important pests (insects, disease, etc.) of the tree
    • habitat of tree, forest zone, and elevation
    • common age of rotation (harvesting) for various uses
  • What methods are used to insure reforestation of a harvest area?
  • On a map of your country, draw the forest areas and indicate the types of forest in each area.
  • Write a short report (250 words or more) on the importance of the forests in your country. Include such topics as the importance of wood for timber, paper (pulp), and firewood; wildlife habitat; livestock grazing; good water quality; and recreation for people.
  • Tour one of the following, or write a report with diagrams about operations.
    • Sawmill
    • Pulp mill
    • Furniture factory
  • Do a forest survey in a typical forest for your area. Using a prism, mark all trees large enough to be counted “in”, and record the following data for each “in” tree, and record the basal area by species for the whole plot:
    • common and scientific name
    • DBH
    • Height
    • Age (determined by increment borer)
  • Participate in a reforestation project.

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