Level: 2
- What are dunes? What is the primary ingredient?
- Name four items needed for dune formation.
- Explain the following three ways that wind moves sand.
- Surface Creep
- Saltation
- Suspension
- Explain the following dune formations: Barchans, star dunes, Linear or Longitudinal dunes, parabolic.
- What is Ecological Succession? How is this demonstrated in dune communities?
- What is Dune Blowout? How does it relate to Succession?
- What are pioneer plants? What is their purpose in dune communities? Give two examples.
- Give three examples of plants in dune environments. How are they adapted for survival?
- Give five examples of animal species in dune environments. How are they unique for living in dune communities?
- Discover an early pioneer of dunes management and conservation within your conference, union, or division. Share your discovery with an instructor or group.
- Tell a story about sand and draw a spiritual lesson.
- Do at least two of the following activities:
- Visit an exhibit or conservatory of desert plants/dune plants. Look for how they are adapted to living in sand or poor soil, harsh temperatures and lack of water.
- Visit a zoo where there are desert animals, especially ones that are adapted to living in sand. If possible, observe some of the ones you studied while learning about dunes.
- Watch a video about dunes or plants or animals that live in dunes.
- Construct an outdoor working demonstration of dune progression using sand, an object for obstruction, a fan to blow the sand. Observe how the sand blows over the obstruction and falls on the other side forming a dune.
- Draw or paint a picture of something you had fun learning about while studying dunes.
- Talk to your group, write about or make a short video about a real life dune conservation project. Explain why this specific habitat should be saved, i.e. endangered species of plants and/or animals living there.
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