

  • Read several Bible verses about leaves.
  • Collect leaves from ten different trees.
    • Press and dry them.
    • Identify each leaf.
  • Tell how trees scatter their seeds. Collect or draw at least five different seeds.
  • Make two different leaf rubbings, OR make two pieces of stationery using a leaf design.
  • Discover the trees and leaves in your neighborhood. Learn something special about each one. Be able to recognize and identify five of them.
  • Put your dried leaves in a scrapbook.
  • Write a story or tell about how the trees help us today.


  • Some examples are: Genesis 3:7; Genesis 8:11; Ezekiel 47:12; Revelation 22:2. Encourage the children to look up the texts (they may need help), and read and discuss them together.
  • Encourage variety in shape, color and size, identifying as you collect. Place leaves between newspaper or paper towel with cardboard top and bottom. Place a weight on top, dry flat, and wait several days until dry before placing in scrapbook. Identify each by writing the name of the tree or shrub next to the leaf.
  • At the right time of the year, help the Adventurers see how the wind blows the seeds from a nearby tree.
  • Place a leaf under white paper and gently rub a color crayon over the paper; the leaf design will appear on the paper. Experiment with different sizes and types of leaves.


Glue a pressed leaf to the comer of a piece of writing paper. An envelope may have a matching leaf attached. OR place the leaf on an ink pad, press down, then lift it and press it down on the paper or envelope to leave a print.

  • Some plants need shade, others require full sunlight; some need much water, others may be drought resistant. Trees have different types of seeds, leaves, or needles, etc.
  • Help the Adventurers make neat scrapbooks, and identify each leaf they include. Repeat the names of leaves so the children may learn those that are common to your area.
Adventure Awards Book