- What is a postcard? How is it different from a letter? Tell about the Pony Express. Memorize the first part of Esther 3:13, KJV.
- Learn and recite three or four facts about postcards.
- How much did it cost to mail a postcard when it was first issued? How much does it cost to send a postcard today?
- Write and send four postcards to people you know.
- Make, decorate, and send a card to a missionary school or church. On your church bulletin board, display what country it was sent to and how much it cost to send.
- Do at least two of the following:
- Visit a post office
- Invite a post office employee to come and give a presentation
- Make your own post office using shoe boxes or other mail box dividers
- Discuss what happens at a post office
- Collect three antique post cards
- Your choice
- Learn the stories about Joseph Bates and James White’s visits to the post office. Read and discuss how to begin a greeting in 1Timothy 1:2 & Philemon 1:1 & Philippians 1:2.
- Curriculum Connection:
My World
- A postcard is a single piece of cardstock mailed without an envelope. The Pony Express was the first cross country letter carrier. Look up more information on the internet. “And the letters were sent post…” Esther 3:13 KJV.
- John P. Charlton of Philadelphia patented the postcard in 1861, selling the rights to H. L. Lipman, whose postcards, complete with a decorated border, were labeled “Lipman’s postal card.” Nine years later, European countries were also producing postcards.
- May send postcards to other Adventurers in your club, family, friends, or a missionary of your director’s choosing in another country. You may make your own cards out of old greeting cards by cutting off the cover and using the back of the cover to write the message and address. Make sure each postcard meets the post office standards for size and weight.
- Chart information such as: when it was sent; how much it cost; the date the card arrived; who all might have read the card.
- Be creative and have fun.
- Tell how God provided funds for mailing documents when there was a need for money.
- Other Bible texts: 2 Peter 3:1 and 2 Corinthians 13:10.
History of post cards (same as for greeting cards)
– Greetings from America
– Greetings across America