- Take a nature walk and collect:
- A leaf and tell what tree or plant it comes from
- A feather and discover what bird it is from
- A rock and learn what type it is
- A seed and identify the plant it comes from
- Learn and recite the following golden rules for hiking:
- Never cut trees.
- Never pull up live plants.
- Do not remove any type of markers.
- Stay off “No Trespassing” property.
- Ask permission before walking on private property.
- Don’t litter.
- Tell what side of the road to walk on and explain why.
- Hike one-half mile (1 km) to a picnic area, carry your own lunch, and eat lunch at that area.
- Take two walks of at least one mile each. One may be with the club and one with your family. Do the following as you walk together:
- Find nature items for ABC’s such as: A = Acorn; B = Butterfly; C = Caterpillar, etc.
- Talk about what you see and tell on what day each was created.
- Learn and recite the following five safety rules for walking:
- Always walk with at least one partner.
- Carry water when going for a walk.
- Wear comfortable walking shoes.
- Wear proper clothing.
- Watch where you walk so you won’t become lost.
- Aim: To develop observation skills; to explore and share.
- Discuss each rule and be sure the Adventurers understand reasons for it.
- Contact your area motor vehicle department to determine local laws. Always walk to the side of the road.
- Enjoy the walk and picnic together. Be sure the children carry their own food, jackets, etc.
- As you walk together, discuss what you see and help the Adventurers determine when each was created; for example, trees, birds, fish, butterflies, horse, etc. One walk should be with the club or class and one walk with the child’s family. Have one of the parents write a note to confirm their walk.
- Children are never too young to learn the safety rules of walking with a partner, carrying water, wearing comfortable shoes and clothing, and watching so as not to become lost.