- Memorize and repeat 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
- Cut out pictures and make a poster to show the four basic food groups. Arrange the pictures to show three healthy meals you could eat.
- Explain why your body needs exercise.
- For one week, record the hours you sleep. Tell why you need rest.
- Explain why you need fresh air and sunlight.
- Explain why water is important for your body. Tell the number of glasses of water you should drink each day.
- Describe and practice good dental hygiene.
- Name three things that might destroy your health.
NOTE: This award is a requirement for the Busy Bee Class.
- Talk together as a group or family about the principles of the text.
- Have a tasting party that includes foods from each of the four food groups. Blindfold the Adventurers and have them guess what food they smell, then taste the food. OR Have the Adventurers cut pictures of food from old magazines, arrange them on a poster or paper plates and discuss what makes a balanced meal.
- Your body needs exercise to keep muscles strong, strengthen your heart, improve your lung capacity, make you look and feel better. Do several exercises for fun and health. “Tortoise and Hare” is a running-in-place exercise. First you “run” 50 steps slowly as a tortoise, then 50 steps faster as the hare would run. Repeat three times. Have a wheelbarrow race in which one child holds the ankles of the first child. They both walk forward, one on hands, the other on feet. Then they change places.
- When you sleep your whole body relaxes, including your muscles, heart, and breathing. Your body uses this time to recover and repair itself.
- Without fresh air, we cannot live. Breathe deeply and enjoy. Sunlight contains vitamin D, which helps to form strong bones. Sunlight is a disinfectant. Exercise in the sunlight by doing the “Russian Hop.” Get into a squat position with your arms folded across your chest. Hop up and forward with your feet. Hop around in a circle. At the end of each hop, you are back in the starting position.
- We lose water when we breathe, sweat, or urinate, and it must be replaced. Your body is about two thirds or 65 percent water. Drink two and one-half quarts of water daily to remain healthy. Many foods have water; lettuce is nine-tenths water.
- A dentist has educational materials that explain dental hygiene to children.
- Contact your family doctor, local health department, or public library for a video or film that will make this a real learning experience. Many things could destroy your health: lack of sleep, poor eating habits, little or no exercise, drinking alcohol, drug abuse, etc.