- Do one of the following:
- Take care of an animal or bird for four weeks.
- Feed it and be certain it has fresh water.
- Keep its cage or resting place clean.
- Put out food scraps or seed for animals or birds in your neighborhood. Keep careful watch for four weeks.
- List and identify creatures that feed there.
- Draw or color pictures of them.
- Take care of an animal or bird for four weeks.
- Identify three different birds. Observe them and study their habits.
- Identify and describe characteristics of three breeds of dogs and two breeds of cats.
- Visit one of the following and write a report of what you do and see:
- a zoo
- a natural history museum
- an aviary
- a kennel
- a farmyard
- a pet shop
- Set up a feeding station for birds or animals.
- Play an animal game.
- Help the Adventurers learn responsibility and proper care for a pet. (You may purchase a group pet and have the Adventurers take turns caring for it.)
- Teach the Adventurers to be observant of nature and where to obtain help in identifying animals. (Use a library or museum.)
- Same as number 2.
- Include family members. Talk about what you saw and learned.
- A feeding station may be as simple as a window sill or a particular place on the ground. To attract birds and animals, use a variety of seeds, nuts, and grains.
- Choose from different animal games such as Animal Lotto, Animal Dominoes, and bird and animal games available at Adventist Book Centers or other Christian book stores.