- Explain what it means to be a Caring Friend. Find, read, and memorize 1 Peter 5:7.
- Talk to a person and ask the following:
- The day and month they were born
- Their favorite animals
- Two of their favorite colors
- Three favorite foods
- Four things that are important to them
- Have your new friend tell you some interesting thing that has happened in his or her life.
- Visit a shut-in or older person and take something to them. Use the questions listed above as you talk together.
- Tell one of the persons you visit how Jesus loves you and that He loves them also.
- Demonstrate how you can be a caring person to your parents by:
- Helping to keep your room clean
- Helping with food preparation or cleanup after a meal
- Doing extra chores without being told
- Tell about something special you have done for a friend.
- Discuss ways Adventurers can be caring friends. For example, be kind to an older person, your playmates, or siblings. Take a cool glass of water or a bouquet of flowers to someone who is ill. Share a book or game. Make a list as the children describe ways to be a caring friend at home, church, and school. Learn and discuss 1 Peter 5:7.
- Have the Adventurers write down the birthday (month and day) so they can send or take a card or flowers to surprise their new friend on his or her birthday. The questions are designed to encourage the children to visit with their new friends.
- Encourage the Adventurers to take something to a shut-in and to visit them using the questions in requirement two as a basis for their conversation. Suggestions: a basket with flowers, a picture the child has drawn and colored, or a craft item the child created.
- Discuss with the children about their feelings toward God and how they can express His love to others.
- Encourage the children to do “sweet surprises” or find ways where they can be helpers at home without being asked to do a certain task.
- Encourage the Adventurers to share their experiences with the group.