Created by youth for youth: making disciples from adolescence to young adults.
The story of the Adventist Youth Society, now titled Young Adults (YA), began over 125 years ago along a dusty country lane in Michigan with two young boys kneeling in prayer. Today that dusty lane has become a worldwide web of highways that links over 10 million Seventh-day Adventist young people in nearly every political entity on every continent of the globe. This story comes in every hue of the rainbow; it is filled with extremes of exhilaration and mountaintop experiences, as well as deep sadness and unfulfilled dreams. This is the story of God’s leading a fascinating army down through the battles of the great overarching conflict that is life as we know it now.
Have you had your Youth Week of Prayer?
For additional information, go to the “Media & Publications” tab above, then click the Week of Prayer link.
Mission, Aim, Motto, and Pledge
AY MISSION: To lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship. AY AIM: The Advent message to all the world in my generation. AY MOTTO: The love of Christ compels me. AY PLEDGE: Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in…
Read MoreObjectives
The Objective of Young Adults Ministry “To save from sin and guide into service:” this true and only motive, so complete and impressive, was adopted during the 1926 General Conference session. To obtain the salvation of the youth it is necessary to give them every possible opportunity to participate in all Adventist youth activities. By…
Read MoreDownload Resource Manual
Young Adults Senior Youth Manual; Pastors and Elders Manual on Youth Ministry, Report on Elijah Project; AY Story Conference Youth Director's Manual AY-Silver-Award, AY-Gold-Award Young Adults - Mentoring Series Incorporating Mentoring in Your Ministry; The Need for Being Connected, Definitions and Types of Mentoring, Benefits of Mentoring, Being a Mentor Being a Mentor Partner Passing…
Read MoreBible Studies
In all of history no one has been more masterful in changing lives than Jesus Christ. But how best can we know Him? This site is dedicated to providing resources that will assist in the study of His Word, the Bible. A study of the Bible will help answer any questions you may have. It is also our hope…
Read MoreElijah Project
Research indicates that when young people are active in the evangelistic mission of the church, they remain in the church. The Elijah Project is a collaborative effort of the Center for Global Evangelism, the General Conference Youth Ministries and Personal Ministries/Sabbath School departments, and Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) to involve Seventh-day Adventist youth in…
Read MoreDiscipleship Downloads
D.I.A. Disciples in Action Curriculum The youth and young adults discipleship curriculum that will help you on your journey toward an authentic walk with Jesus. D.I.A. - Disciples in Action - English Version D.I.A. Series 1D.I.A. Series 2D.I.A. Series 3D.I.A. Series 4D.I.A. Series 5 D.I.A. Disciples en Action - Version Française D.I.A. Série 1D.I.A. Série…
Read MoreDiscussion Questions
Perfect for your weekly Adventist Youth meeting or Friday-night fellowship time. These small group discussion questions have been developed to help your youth group reach another level in fellowship, with God and each other. Each year the questions are focused on the yearly theme designated by the General Conference Youth Ministries Department. We may not have all the…
Read MoreOutreach Mission
Do you want your youth group to be visible in the community? Experience the transformation that comes from reaching out to others. Watch your young people grow in their relationship with God through sharing God’s love with others. See that love overflow into families, friends, neighbors, and yes... the world! "Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead…
Read MoreProgramming Ideas
"Those who are seeking to shield the youth from temptation and to prepare them for a life of usefulness are engaged in a good work... May the efforts of all such instructors be crowned with success." (Messages to Young People, page 442) Agape Feast 2009 Discussion Questions Tips
Read MoreAY Silver Award
AY Silver Award Plan for Physical and Cultural Excellence CHALLENGE AND ACHIEVEMENT The AY Silver Award is a prize worth striving for. It brings together core aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual vitality. It presents a clear plan and encourages young people to be well-rounded, fit individuals, by excelling in all three areas. By encouraging…
Read MoreAY Gold Award
AY Gold Award plan for physical and cultural excellence AY GOLD AWARD The AY Gold Award is presented to Young Adults under 31 years of age who have completed the Silver Award and who have demonstrated exceptional qualities of physical, mental and cultural development. Sponsored by the Youth Ministries Department, the plan gives Young Adults…
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